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What to Expect When Your Child Starts Primary School: A Guide for Parents

Starting primary school is a big milestone for your little one—and for you as a parent! This new chapter brings a mix of excitement, nerves, and anticipation. As an experienced primary school teacher who spent 12 years teaching Reception and experiencing the first days at school many times over...I wanted to share what you can expect during your child's first week of school to help you feel prepared for this big adventure.

The First Day of Primary School

In the UK, primary school usually starts around the 5th of September, but the exact start date can vary. Each school has its own approach to settling Reception children. Some ease children in gradually, starting with half days before moving to full days, while others begin with a full schedule right away.

In the first few days, many schools help children settle by keeping them with their Reception class, away from older year groups. For example, lunchtime might initially be just for Reception children to avoid overwhelming them with the busy environment of a full school lunch hall.

Drop-Off: The Emotional First Morning

Dropping your child off at school for the first time can be an emotional moment for both of you. Remember, it’s important to stay positive and reassuring. Express excitement about their day ahead and let them know you’ll be there to pick them up at the end of the school day.

Try not to linger too long at drop-off. While it’s natural to feel torn if your child is upset, rest assured that teachers and staff are experts at helping children settle. Within minutes, most children are happily engaged in play or activities. If your child has been particularly upset, some schools will send you a reassuring message to let you know they’ve settled. If you’re feeling unsure, don’t hesitate to call the school—they’re always happy to reassure you.

The First Week: Play, Routines, and Learning

The first week of Reception is all about settling in. Your child will spend lots of time playing, making friends, and getting used to the school routines. Teachers will introduce them to the classroom rules and help them navigate their new environment.

Learning in Reception is often integrated with play. Children have short teaching sessions, usually on a carpeted area, followed by small group activities led by an adult. Throughout the day, they’ll have opportunities to explore various areas of the classroom, including both indoor and outdoor settings. These areas are designed to help children learn through play and include:

  • Reading and writing corners

  • Maths stations

  • Messy play areas

  • Sand and water tables

  • Construction zones

  • Role play and small-world activities

  • Mud kitchens

  • Creative play spaces

Learning Themes: All About Me

Reception learning is often structured around weekly themes or “knowledge topics.” In the first few weeks, your child will likely explore the theme "All About Me," which focuses on familiar, everyday experiences. This theme helps children relate to what they’re learning and may include activities like:

  • Role-playing common places (like shops or doctor’s offices)

  • Painting self-portraits

  • Reading familiar stories

  • Discussing emotions and daily routines

Phonics: The Building Blocks of Reading

From day one, your child will begin learning phonics, a key part of early reading. Phonics teaches children the relationship between sounds (phonemes) and their written forms (graphemes). Lessons start as short, 10-minute sessions and gradually increase in length throughout the year. Phonics lays the foundation for reading and writing, helping your child develop essential skills early on. You can support in many ways at home to help them with their learning to read journey. I am all about supporting children with their phonics in fun, exciting and hands-on ways! So if you haven't already grabbed a copy of my Freebie that is my top 5 phonics games for home then you can get it here: Freebies! | My Site 1 (

Embrace the Journey

Your child’s first week of school marks the beginning of an exciting journey filled with learning, discovery, and growth. The Reception year is full of incredible milestones that will set the stage for their future education. Celebrate this moment and know that you—and your child—are in good hands.

Speak soon!


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